there is never enough time to do it right, but there is always enough time to do it over
MALKUTH TEACHING start health and body program, yoga juicing meditation
MALKUTH MOVIES hook secret life of walter mitty harriet the biggest little farm chasing coral the need to grow fat sick and nearly dead happy feet (for kids)
MALKUTH SONGS YOUTUBE PLAYLIST I was here - beyonce wake me up - avicii hey brother - avicii wide awake - katy perry home - phillip phillips crown - stormzy classic man - jidenna new rules - dua lipa compassion * om mani padme hum - deva premal & gyuto monks
GOD NAME | Adonai Ha Aretz (Lord of Earth) ARCHANGEL | Sandalphon (Angel of Prayer & Life) ANGELIC HOST | Ashim / Eshim (Souls of Fire, Souls of the Perfected) MUNDANE CHAKRA * CELESTIAL | Earth, The Four Elements MICRO GOD ATTRIBUTED | Kali ( The Keeper of Earth )
PLACE OF POWER | Meadow of Delights MAGICAL IMAGE | A Young Woman Crowned and Throned SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE | Vision of the Holy Guardian Angel SYMBOLS | Magic Circle, Altar of the Double Cube, Equal Armed Cross
CHAKRA | Root HUMAN SYSTEM | The Whole Body, The 5 Senses PHYSICAL CORRESPONDENCE | Base of Spine, Feet INNER BODY COMPONENTS | Body as Whole HEALING CORRESPONDENCE | Where All Illness Manifests
MUSICAL TONE | F AROMATIC OIL | Sandalwood HERB | Meadowsweet TREE | Oak FOOD | Pumpkin ANIMAL | Rabbit, Mole, Snail, Rattlesnake, Worm, Ant, Pigeon MAGICKAL RACE | Gnome
COLORS OA | Indigo with sparkles Atziluth | Yellow Briah | Citrine, Olive, Russet, Black Yetzirah | Citrine, Olive, Russet, Black flecked with Gold Assiah | Black, rayed with Yellow Iah | Tibetan Turquoise, Kali Beet Root Red + Indigo O | Slime Green UH-O | Dark Slime Green OKHO | Puke Green
TAROT 10 WANDS | Lord of Oppression - work 10 SWORDS | Lord of Ruin - betrayal 10 CUPS | Lord of Happiness - love 10 PENTACLES | Lord of Wealth - money and health