rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth
YESOD TEACHINGS stop all addictions, drugs, sex, money, alcohol
YESOD MOVIES what dreams may come holes inception odd thomas vanilla sky into the wild the butler dracula untold wrist cutters, a love story youv'e got mail parasite harry potter astral city sex ed series
YESOD SONGS YOUTUBE PLAYLIST new rules - dua lipa no air - glee cast cheap thrills - sia ft sean paul stressed out - 21 pilots sweet dreams - eurythmics waves - robin shultz remix amore (sexo) - santa sexual healing - marvin gaye disturbia - rhianna stay - rhianna love me like you do - ellie golding a thousand years - christina perri plains of dover - ceilidh 22 over soon - bon iver circles - ludovico einaudia, greta svabo bech hathor material, kundalini activations - tom kenyon, download below
VIRTUE | Independence VICE | Idleness, Vanity STRENGTHS | Independence, Spontaneity, Dream Study, Night School, Base Pyschicism WEAKNESSES | Idleness, Vanity (futility), Obsessive Sex, Impulsiveness, Too Much as a Follower
GOD NAME | Shaddai el Chai (Almighty Living God) ARCHANGEL | Gabriel (Strength of God) ANGELIC HOST | Cherubim (The Strong Ones) MUNDANE CHAKRA * CELESTIAL | The Moon MICRO GOD ATTRIBUTED | Lucifer & Dinostar (The Black and White Twin Dragons )
PLACE OF POWER | The Secret Valley MAGICAL IMAGE | A Beautiful Naked Man SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE | Vision of the Machinery of the Universe SYMBOLS | Perfumes & Sandals
CHAKRA | Sacral HUMAN SYSTEM | Subconscious, Sexuality, Creativity (production) PHYSICAL CORRESPONDENCE | Genitals, Sexual Organs INNER BODY COMPONENTS | Sex Organs HEALING CORRESPONDENCE | Breasts, Lungs, Ovaries, Menstruation, Prostate (all emotional based illness)
MUSICAL TONE | Middle C AROMATIC OIL | Lavender HERB | Damiana TREE | Willow, Weeping, Pussy FOOD | Grape ANIMAL | Cat MAGICKAL RACE | Vampire
COLORS OA | Purple Cream Atziluth | Indigo Briah | Violet Yetzirah | Berry Dark Purple Assiah | Citrine Flecked Azure Iah | Light Slate Blue Purple O | Burgundy *Opal Uh-O | Honeycomb Opal OKHO | White Pearly PEONY Opal
TAROT 9 WANDS | Strength, Standing Your Ground 9 SWORDS | Nightmares, Suffering, Night School 9 CUPS | Satiation, Gratification "Have Cake And Eat It Too" 9 PENTACLES | Independence, Financial Gain